cript"> function popup() { window.location="form/form.php"; }; The JU 99 Orgone Generator Series

World Leader in Orgone and Radionics Technology
The Site of Karl Hans Welz,
Inventor of the Chi Generator® (Orgone Generator®),
Inventor of Orgonite® and
Orgone Radionics™

Chi Energy Technology, Chi Generators®, Chi Energy Boosted Radionics, and Accessories
JU 99 Series

HSCTI - Hyper Space Communications and Technologies International - Atlanta, USA
BEC - Bio Energy Corporation - Budapest, Hungary

The shortest distance between two points in the universe is a structural link™
Orgone Technology for
        Fitness, Sports, Body Building
             Trend Management,
                  Mind Control, and
                       Positive Permanent Solutions!

The Chi Generators® (Orgone Generators™®)
The purpose of the Chi Generator® is to energize yourself and to add power to all of your actions at a distance, such as in combination with a radionics program or with an older-type radionics device, i.e., any radionics device without a built-in Chi Generator®. All radionics devices from HSCTI have built-in generators of life energy (Chi Generators®)

The JU 99 CE Junior 99 Chi Energizer™
Small Size Entry Level Chi Generator®
The JU 99 is an entry-level bare-bones Chi Generator® (orgone generator®) for individual use that fits every budget.  This extraordinary device contains all the essential parts of the larger Chi Generators®. Its excellent qualities make it a powerful utensil for all whose budget does not allow them yet to acquire a larger, stronger, and more versatile Chi Generator®, and who are very serious about bringing "magic into their lives" and who are ready to work on decisive changes towards prosperity, satisfying relationships, confidence, peace of mind and happiness.
The JU 99-10, TF 99 CE, SPP 99 CE and GPP 99 CE have been designed for the same purpose They havedifferent frequency settings
For the entry level, the JU 99 CE is excellent for basic energy and relaxation work and to get acquainted with life force technologies. The JU 99 is convenient and easy to use for any person, and it can be the most important utensil in every household.

You can increase its output and enhance the energy transfer with a Transfer Couple TD 99. Keep the JU 99 turned on in your home with Part 1 of the TD 99 in front of the output pipe, while you have the Part 2 of the TC 99 Transfer Couple in your pocket. This way, you can receive the energy without loss, whether you are just a few blocks away from your home or half around the globe!  Naturally, you can get a much stronger power boost of your JU 99 CE with the PBT 2400, about three times its power output!

In addition to that, any radionics device that you put into the life force field of a JU 99 CE or any other Chi Generator® will be more effective. It becomes then a Power Radionics™ device that is boosted with life force.

You can achieve the same effect when combining the JU 99 CE with any one of our radionics programs.

You can use it for any amount of time, day and night, 7 - 24, when using the AC - DC - adapter.

Silver tubing for output: Silver is a favorite of all professionals, when it comes to energizing the body. All our Chi Generators® have silver tubing.

7.83 Hz Frequency Setting: The "Schumann Resonance", or Earth Frequency, is a favorite setting for universal purpose: According to brain wave experts, this frequency has additional multiple advantages: overcoming jet lag, counteracting mind control, easier learning, precision, and many more.

Whatever your intentions among its many potential uses, a few that are most important for you or all of them, the JU 99 it is designed to fit every budget, while providing this extra energy to make a decisive difference!

Left: The JU 99 CE = Junior 99 Chi Energizer™ with the PBT 2400 Power Booster with Transfer Disk that effectively triples its output.


Other Chi Generators® of the "Junior"-Series

The TF 99 CE = Top Fitness 99 Chi Energizer
Budget Specialty Chi Generator® to enhance fitness training and weight control.  
20 Hz frequency setting

The SPP 99 CE = Sports Performance Power 99 Chi Energizer™
Budget Specialty Chi Generator® to boost sports performance: stamina and endurance for power training and competitions, "Magical" influence on the opponent by means of body language. 25 Hz frequency setting.

The GPP 99 CE = Golf Precision Power 99 Chi Energizer™
Budget Specialty Chi Generator® that triggers the Alpha state whenever needed for precision such as golf, target practice, etc.  5.9 Hz frequency setting.

The JU 99 10 = Junior 99 Chi Energizer™, 10 Hz Frequency Setting
Budget Specialty Chi Generator® with the general purpose setting of 10 Hz.  For instance, this is an excellent frequency in connection with the Feng Shui Bagua (see above), and with this arrangement you can project a specific Feng Shui energy ("corner") into any location, which allows you to override existing feng shui energies - see also

About copy cats and parasites

Yes, the JU 99 costs 10 or 20 dollars more per unit than the cheapest copycat devices on the market today, since stolen property, including intellectual property, is usually a bit cheaper.

In fact, these dollars are well-spent! This slightly higher price was necessary, because the JU 99 Chi generator® (the Chi generator® was invented by Karl Hans Welz) comes with our highly effective formula of orgonite® (invented by Karl Hans Welz, the original formula remains a proprietary secret) and with silver tubing as energy output.   We certainly do not believe in delivering inferior technology to people who can least afford it.

Even at budget prices, we can produce a high quality product.  In addition to that, we can back it by a 2-year warranty in material and workmanship!

Therefore, the JU 99 CE orgone generator® is multiple strength of anything in this price category that comes from cheap thieves of our technology who did not quite understand the actual function of orgonite® etc. and who naturally are producing inferior products. 

The following applications of this extraordinary new technology are based on personal experiences of many proud owners of Chi Generators®, orgone radionics™ devices and power radionics™ programs.

Click below on the links of your choice for more information.  Naturally, there are infinite many more uses, many of which you certainly will find and explore.

agriculture, plants, break up electrosmog, DOR, gaming management pet care speed-learning
artistic inspiration business, office energy geopathic stress marketing politics supplements
attachments charisma esp and psychic herbs meditation popularity living water
attacks children family intelligence mind control profession weight control
balance competition fitness intuition money relationships weight loss
body building customers friendship lawsuits music skin care well-being
brainwaves defense gambling love NLP sports  

Suggested Equipment Combinations and their uses

© 1996 Hyper Space Communications & Technologies Inc.